
Your donations help fund essential services for seniors living in Tuolumne County.

As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, your donations and gifts can be tax deductible.

Our Tax ID# is 77-0432625

Donate to Essential Services

Donate with Paypal

Donate with Square

Donations may be made by:

Credit/debit card, accepted online (above and below), by phone (209-533-2622) and in person during business  hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays).

Check, made payable to Sierra Senior Providers, Inc. and mailed or brought to the Senior Center,  540 Greenley Road, Sonora, CA 95370.

Cash, accepted during business hours.

For more information on gifting,  contact the Senior Center at     (209) 533-2622.

Legacy Gifting

Your donations help fund essential services for seniors living in Tuolumne County.  As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, your donations and gifts can be tax deductible. Our EIN is 77-0432625.

Amazon Smile
If you are using to do some online shopping, Amazon will make a donation to Sierra Senior Providers, Inc..  Here’s how, visit and choose Sierra Senior Providers, Inc. as your designated charity, and Amazon will make a donation to SSPI with each purchase you make.
Program Donations

 You can designate how you want your donation to be used.  Simply let us know to which program(s) you would like the donation directed (for example, Meals on Wheels or Senior Lunch Program).

Memorial or Tribute Gifting

 Consider providing a donation in “Memory Of” or in “Honor Of” someone special as a way of paying tribute to him or her.  You may also provide gifts in honor of special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries.  At your request, we will provide a hand written card to the party being honored notifying them of your gift.  The amount will not be disclosed.